Exploring the Arctic Ocean

Gathering essential knowledge for responsible management of the Arctic region

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GoNorth 2024: Utforske urørte dyp

GoNorth 2024-toktet er nettopp avsluttet, og det med stor suksess. Forskningsteamet fikk gunstige is- og værforhold gjennom den tre uker lange reisen.

GoNorth Arctic

GoNorth’s wide-ranging, multidisciplinary research programme aims to acquire new and essential knowledge about the Arctic Ocean, from the sea floor and subsea geology to the sea ice, via the water column. Education is an important part of the programme. Our goal is to carry out research that is scientifically excellent, economically feasible, and useful for the future management of the Arctic Ocean. Our programme brings Norway to the forefront as a responsible manager of the environment and natural resources of the High North.
